Annex D1


Directorate of Economy and Place
 West Offices, Station Rise
 YO1 6GA
 Tel: 01904 551475
 Date: 1st October 2020

To the Residents:
 Principal Rise, College Court, Chancellors Grove, Teachers Close, Bursary Court and Academy Drive





Dear Residents

I have been asked to provide you with some clarification of the existing consultation that was sent to you on 14th September 2020.

I have provided a map that shows all private areas within the estate(highlighted in purple). Please be aware that the proposed scheme does not include any of the private parking areas. You would only be required to display a permit if you park on an area of adopted highway(highlighted in green). Any residents that are permitted to park within the private areas would not be required to purchase a Respark permit to continue to do so. However, any properties that have a frontage within the private areas will still be permitted to purchase permits to park on the adopted highway within the proposed zone boundary for their vehicles/visitor vehicles should they be required(including Scholars Court, Masters Mews and Ashfield House).

If this information would change your response in regards to the proposed scheme please email us at and please state in the subject box ‘private driveways on Revival Estate’. I have also included a freepost envelope should you wish to write to us with your response.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this further or require any clarification at this stage. 

Yours faithfully


Traffic Projects Officer